Personal Training for Kids and Teens!

We are a company tailored for after school and weekend programs to keep your children entertained and physically fit at the same time.


“Kaifactory” offers an exclusive personal training experience for kids and teens who want to improve performance in any sports.

We Can Teach Any Sports!

We can teach almost all sports for example, running, swimming, football, baseball, basketball and physical training.


The programs do not involve weight lifting.


What they do is work towards total body conditioning. And they involve educating children in how the body works, how muscles function, what is good nutrition for a healthy body.




No Initiation Fee, Start Today!


Training Rate (per Hour);


One-on-one at your location – 6,000Yen   (*10 sessions for 56,000Yen)


Group training for 2 Kids – 3,000Yen per kids


Group training for 3 to 4Kids – 2,500Yen per kids






Physical-Education Teacher and 12 Years of Educating




Every member of our team meets the high performance and high standards required by “KAIFACTORY”.


All trainers have excellent experience in child education, general fitness, sports specific, injury recovery and flexibility.









Kazuya Kaitani




Licensed junior high-school and high-school physical –education teacher




Kazuya has over 13 years experience as a personal trainer for kids&teens.




He has been played various sports from early childfood.


When he was a high-school student, he met walking race.


After He went on to International Budo University, he won the first prize at the national competition.




Kazuya started in the fitness industry as a trainer for a top fitness club in Ebisu during a college student.


He has performed a staggering 12,000 one-on-one sessions. Kazuya is highly motivational and enjoys bringing positivity to his clients. He encourages towards a better lifestyle through fitness.




In 2013, he opened “KAIFACTORY.co” in Hiroo.




When your children work with a “KAIFACTORY” trainer, they will benefit from a personal fitness training program that’s custom-built with their goals in mind!




Please call or email us today!


Tel : 03-6721-9399


Address : CasaBelman 201, 3-3-39 Minamiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0047, Japan


e-mail : kaifactory215@gmail.com


Home page : http://kaifactory.jimdo.com